Saturday 3 January 2015

When love is together with fear

When love is together with fear, in the alchemy of the mind, a new chemical arises. That is respect.
Love alone will not give you respect. You love a person – your lover, your friend – but there is no fear; then there is no respect. You fear your enemy. but there is no love so there is no respect.
When you love a person and fear also arises, a totally new quality comes in – that’s what respect is.
Why does fear arise when you love a person? – because you may not prove worthy. When you love,a fear arises that you may not prove worthy . You start trembling. You love, you would like to prove worthy, but who knows? – you may not. You would like His love to shower on you, but who knows whether you have earned it yet or not? Fear arises,Love arises  – fear arises because of you. It is very natural – and good. Fear alone is a disvalue. With love, the quality changes completely.

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