Sunday 4 January 2015

Do you create your own hell?

The more you become aware that you create your own hell, the less is the possibility of creating it, because who wants to create hell? People live in hell because they think others create it for them.
What can you do when others are creating it? If they insist on creating hell, you have to live in it. The moment you realize the truth – that you are the creator – a great transformation happens through that understanding. Then you need not create it. Who wants to live in hell knowingly? Slowly slowly one starts leaning more and more towards those things which are part of heaven – love, beauty,poetry, music.
It is a kind of knack: nobody can really teach you how to be in paradise. It is just like learning to ride a bicycle: nobody can teach you verbally exactly what it is, how one balances oneself on the bicycle. But it happens – you can learn it; it is a knack. A few times you will fall and slowly slowly you will come to understand how to balance. And the moment you have understood how to balance,you will be surprised why you could not see it before; it was so simple. But even then you will not be able to tell somebody else how you do.

Misery is so easy that anybody can do it but bliss is arduous; it has to be learned. It is creating inner music, creating inner poetry. It is creating an orgasmic state with existence. Only a very few people succeed. In the first place very few people try, and even those who try, if they try with wrong methods or in wrong directions, their effort brings no fruits.
Rare is a person who tries and succeeds. It is the greatest art. If one can learn it even in many lives,then too it is early. But if one is really longing to learn it, it can be learned in a single moment too. It depends on the intensity on how much one longs for it, on how thirsty one is for it. If one is ready to die for it, it can be learned in a single moment too.

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