The dancer can exist only if he dances. If the
dance disappears, where is the dancer? The singer exists only in singing. The
walker exists only in walking. So is the ego: the ego exists only in clinging,
in possessing things, in dominating things. When there is no domination, no
desire to dominate, no desire to cling, no desire to possess, the ego starts
evaporating. On the outside you start clinging and in the inside a new clarity
starts arising. The ego with all its smoke disappears, the ego with all its
clouds disappears. It can't exist because it cannot be nourished anymore. For
it to exist it has to cling. It has to create "my" and
"mine," and it goes on creating "my" and "mine"
in every possible and impossible way.
The ego says, "This is MY country," as if
you have brought it with your birth, as if the earth is really divided into
countries. The earth is undivided, it is one. But the ego says, "This is
MY country" -- and not only that this is my country, "this is the
greatest country in the world. This is the holiest land."
Ask the Indians. "This is the most spiritual
country in the world. Everybody else is materialist and we are
spiritualists." And everybody else has his own ideas. They are great. Ask
the Germans. Nobody is of pure blood, only they are -- Aryan blood, Nordic
blood, purest blood. God has created them to rule the whole world. And ask the
Japanese. They have descended from the sun god directly; they are not ordinary
mortals. The sun is their source, and the sun is the source of all life. And
you ask anybody. Everybody has his own ideas how HIS country is great, how HIS
religion is great. Religion also becomes your possession: "MY religion, MY
Christianity, MY Hinduism."
Who can claim religion? Who can claim that religion
is a possession? You can be religious, but you cannot claim that Christianity
is yours, you cannot claim that Hinduism is yours. But the ego is so stupid! It
goes on claiming all kinds of things.
Anything and everything will be claimed by the ego.
And "ours is always better," whatsoever it is. The ego exists only
through such claims. The "I" exists only as an island in the ocean of
"my" and "mine." If you stop claiming things as
"my" and "mine," the ego will disappear on its own accord.
"I demand an explanation and I want the
truth!" shouted the irate husband upon discovering his wife in bed with
his best friend.
"Make up your mind, George," she calmly
replied. "You can't have both."
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