Wednesday 14 January 2015

Quotes & Messages from Intellectuals on Manipulative Government and Sheeple.

Quotes & Messages from Intellectuals on Manipulative Government and Sheeple.

Don’t worry sheeple, there is one for you too.

If you think of yourselves as helpless and ineffectual, it is certain that you will create a despotic government to be your master. The wise despot…maintains among his subjects a popular sense that they are helpless and ineffectual. -Frank Herbert.

He who fights too long against dragons, becomes a dragon himself.
 --Fredrick Nietzsche.

Light never battles darkness, so when you see a fight it is always between two dark forces.
--Vernon Howard.

We can accept God becoming Man to save Man, but not Man becoming God to save himself.
--Vernon Howard.

Those who fear to face Reality, can never hope to change Reality.
 --Michael Tsarion.

We wrestle not against flesh and blood,
but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high places.
--Ephesians 6:12

Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men. --Martin Luther King, Jr.

Man is born free, yet everywhere he is in chains. -J. J. Rousseau.

Rise up! like lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in your sleep had fallen on you
Ye are many – and they are few
-Percy Shelly.

So the gods will depart from mankind – a grievous thing! – and only evil angels will remain,who will mingle with men, and drive the poor wretches by main force into all manner of reckless crime, into wars, and robberies, and frauds, and all things hostile to the nature of
the soul…Darkness will be preferred to light, and death will be thought more profitable than life…the pious will be deemed insane, and the impious wise, the madman will be thought a brave man, and the wicked will be esteemed as good. -Hermes Trismegistus, AD 150-270

A great change will come to pass, such as no mortal man will have expected. Heaven and Hell will confront each other in this struggle. Old states will perish and light and darkness will be pitted against each other with swords, but it will be swords of a different fashion.
With these swords it will be possible to cut up the skies and to split the Earth. A great lament will come over all mankind and only a small batch will survive the tempest, the pestilence, and the horror.
--Pastor Bartholomaeus, 1638.

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