Do your job the best you
can do, and don’t expect any appreciation. Appreciation is result-oriented.
And the person who is
hankering for appreciation can never never do good work; never – because he is
half-hearted. He is looking to the result and what others will think. He is not
totally in the work.
Be total in your work. The
prize is in it; the award is intrinsic. You enjoy – that is your award. If they
enjoy, that is their award. If they don’t enjoy, that is their misery. So let
them be miserable. Don’t be worried about it – just do your work as best you
Nobody is worried because
of anybody else. You are not worried because of them; they are not worried
because of you. You are worried because of you, and they are worried because of
them. It is that simple. Just enjoy and see.
is dangerous for society, because a feeling person cannot be dominated, cannot
be regimented; he is a rebel and a thinking person is always a slave. Once you
believe in logic, you believe in regimentation. Once you become too rational
you become mechanical. Reason is
mechanism. Then your whole life is turned into a mechanical routine, and
society needs, wants, efficient people – not alive people. Mechanically perfect
– existentially dead. So remember that. And whenever you feel that you are
shifting towards thinking, always bring
back towards feeling. Even if everything is lost and feeling is saved,
everything is saved.
if you lose feeling and everything is saved, nothing is saved.
So very true... I cannot count the times I've heard people remark on how they felt ne reward for doing some good deed... the deed of goodness is the reward.