Saturday 31 January 2015

Marriage is the ugliest institution invented by Man,Marriage is against nature.


It is very simple to understand. Marriage is the ugliest institution invented by man. It is not natural; it has been invented so that you can monopolize a woman. You have been treating women as if they
were a piece of land, or some currency notes. You have reduced the woman to a thing.
Remember that if you reduce any human being to a thing – unaware, unconscious – you are also being reduced to the same status; otherwise, you will not be able to communicate. If you can talk with a chair, you must be a chair.
Marriage is against nature.
You can be certain only of this moment that is in your hands. All promises for tomorrow are lies –and marriage is a promise for your whole life, that you will remain together, that you will love each
other, that you will respect each other till your last breath.
And these priests, who are the inventors of many ugly things, say to you that marriages are made in heaven. Nothing is made in heaven; there is no heaven.
If you listen to nature, your problems, your questions will simply evaporate. The problem is biologically man is attracted to woman, women are attracted to men, but that attraction cannot
remain the same forever. You are attracted to something which is a challenge to get. You see a beautiful man, a beautiful woman; you are attracted. Nothing is wrong in it. You feel your heart beating faster. You would like to be with this woman or man, and the attraction is so tremendous that in that moment you think you would like to live with this woman forever.
Lovers don’t deceive each other, they are saying the truth – but that truth belongs to the moment.
When lovers say to each other, ”I cannot live without you,” it is not that he is deceiving or she is deceiving, they mean it. But they don’t know the nature of life. Tomorrow this same woman will not look so beautiful. As days pass, the man and the woman both will feel that they are imprisoned.
They have know each other’s geography completely. First it was an unknown territory to be discovered, now there is nothing to be discovered.
And to go on repeating the same words and the same acts looks mechanical, ugly. That’s why passion turns into hate. The woman hates you, because you are going to do the same thing again.
To prevent you, the moment the husband enters the house she goes to bed, she has a headache. She wants somehow not to get into the same rut. And the man is flirting with his secretary in the office; now she is an unknown territory.
To me, it is all nature. What is unnatural is binding people in the name of religion, in the name of God, for their whole life.
In a better, more intelligent world, people will love, but will not make any contracts. It is not a business! They will understand each other, and they will understand the changing flux of life. They will be true to each other. The moment the man feels that now his beloved holds no joy for him, he will say that the time has come to part. There is no need for marriage, there is no need for divorce.
Then friendship will be possible.
There will be only friends – no husbands, no wives. Of course, if there is only friendship, passion will never turn into hate. The moment you feel passion disappearing, you will say good-bye, and it will be understood. Even if it hurts, nothing can be done about it – it is the way of life.
But man has created societies, cultures, civilizations, rules, regulations, and made the whole humanity unnatural. That’s why men and women cannot be friends. And men and women either become husbands and wives – which is something absolutely ugly; they start owning each other....

Thursday 29 January 2015

Meritocracy -The system of Future Governing


ONE thing is absolutely certain: The days of the politicians are over.
They have done too well their job of being destructive, violent.
They have come to a point where humanity has to decide either to die remaining with the politicians, to commit a global suicide, or to throw out the politicians and save humanity, civilization, culture, life.

Nothing is favorable to the politician; and as each day passes his death comes closer. He himself
is responsible. He improved the weapons which can bring death to the whole world to such a point
that there is no way of going back. Either there will be an ultimate war – which means death to all and everything – or a total change in the whole structure of human society. I am calling that change,meritocracy.
One thing – we have to drop the idea that every man, just because he is Eighteen, is capable of choosing who is the right person to decide the fate of nations. Age cannot be the decisive factor.

We have to change the decisive factor; that is changing the very foundation.

My suggestion is that only a person who is at least a matriculate should be able to vote. His age
does not matter. And as I explain to you the whole thing, it will become easier. For the local
government, matriculation will be the qualification for the voters. And graduation from a university,at least a bachelor’s degree, should be a necessary qualification for anybody running for election,for the candidates. A master’s degree should be a minimum qualification for the one who is running for mayor.

I have seen education ministers who have never been to university. Before they became education
ministers they had never even seen a university campus. Yes, after becoming education minister
they start giving convocation addresses to the universities. Universities start giving them degrees,
honorary degrees, because actually they are not even matriculates.
Then just because you are Eighteen it does not mean you are capable of choosing the government. Choosing the government should be a very skillful, intelligent job. Just by being eighteen you may be able to reproduce children – it needs no skill, even animals are doing perfectly well. It needs no education, biology sends you well prepared. But to choose the government, to choose people who are going to have all the powers over you and everybody and who are going to decide the destiny of the country and the world... the way we have been choosing them is simply idiotic.

And what power do politicians have? All the power that they have we have given to them. We can take it back. It is not their power, it is our power. We just have to find a way to take it back – because giving is very easy, taking is a little difficult. They will not be so simple and innocent when you take the power back as they were when they were asking it from you. It is our power, but they will go on having it if the mob remains there to give it to them; the mob can be convinced about anything.
I am not against the people. In fact, in the hands of these politicians, the people are against
themselves. I am all for the people, and what I am saying can be said to be exactly what has
been said about democracy: for the people, by the people, of the people – just ”by the people” I will have to change. This intelligentsia will be for the people, of the people. It will be serving the masses.
It is so simple a thing. You don’t elect a doctor, that just anybody can stand, it is a birthright, and
people can vote. Two persons fighting to be the doctor or to be the surgeon? What is wrong in it?
The people choose for themselves: for the people, by the people, of the people. They choose one
person, a surgeon, because he speaks better, he looks good on the television and he makes great
But he is not even a butcher! – and he is going to become a surgeon. He is not even a butcher.
Even a butcher would have been better; at least he would have known how to cut, and finish you.
This man... but you don’t choose a surgeon by election.

How can you choose a president by election? How can you choose a governor by election? You
are giving so much power to power – hungry people; with your own hands you are telling them to
hang you! This is not democracy. In the name of democracy these people have been exploiting the masses.
Just to make a distinction I am calling this system meritocracy. But merit for what? The merit
is to serve and share. And once you have decided to shift the power from the politicians to the
intelligentsia, everything is possible – everything becomes simple.

Then I want every university to have two compulsory institutions, because that is the way I would
like the people who are going to be powerful to be prepared.
Right now, up to now, for thousands of years you have never prepared anybody. If somebody is going to be a boxer you don’t just push him into the ring and say, ”Start!” He has to learn. If somebody is going to be a swordsman, it will take him years. Otherwise he won’t even know how to hold the sword – using it and fighting with it will be impossible. First he will have to find out how to take it out from its sheath, how to hold it. It needs training. You don’t just give a guitar to somebody who has never seen the instrument before and expect him to be an Expert.

Now this is your fault: these people who are in power, have you trained them? Has anybody ever
thought that the people who will be holding so much power need some certain qualities so that they don’t misuse power? It is not their fault.

So I propose two institutes in every university. One institute is for deprogramming. Anybody who
gets a graduation certificate will first have to get a clearance certificate from the deprogramming institute – which means it has deprogrammed you as a Christian, as a Hindu, as a Mohammedan, as a Jew... because this has been our trouble.
And four years is enough time. Deprogramming does not take that much time; just a few hours a
month for four years and you will be deprogrammed. And you will not get any certificate from the educational institute unless you are cleared by the deprogramming institute that ”this man is now simply a human being. He is no longer a Christian, no longer a Hindu, no longer a Mohammedan, no longer a Jew.”
The second institute will be an institute for meditation, because just deprogramming is not enough.
Deprogramming takes rubbish from you, but you are left empty – and it is difficult to be empty; you will start gathering rubbish again. You cannot manage by yourself to learn how to live joyfully with your emptiness. That’s the whole art of meditation.
So on the one hand the deprogramming institute cleanses you, empties you, makes you a vacuum;
and the meditation institute goes on helping you to enjoy your nothingness, your emptiness, your
inner vacuum its cleanliness, its freshness. And as you start enjoying it you start feeling that it is not
empty at all, it is full of joy. It looked empty at first because you were accustomed to having so much rubbish in it, and that rubbish has been removed so you say it looks empty.
It is just like a room full of furniture: you have always seen it full of furniture; then one day you come and all the furniture is removed and you say, ”The room looks empty.” The room is not empty, the room is simply clean. The room is roomy for the first time. It was cluttered before, burdened, full of rubbish; now it is pure space.
You have to learn meditation to enjoy your emptiness.
And that is one of the greatest days in life – when a person starts enjoying emptiness, aloneness,
Then nobody can reprogram you, nobody in the world.
The university’s degree will come only when a clearance certificate from the deprogramming institute and a graduation certificate from the meditation university have been granted. It will depend on you– you can graduate in one year, you can graduate in two years, you can graduate in three years, four years. But four years is too much. Any imbecile, if he just sits for one hour every day doing nothing for four years is bound to find what Buddha or Lao Tzu have found, what I have found.
And I want this to continue: if you are going to do your Ph.D. then you do three years deprogramming and three years meditation. Those are compulsory to the very end, so when you come out of the university you are not only an intelligent person, well-informed, you are also a meditator – relaxed, silent, peaceful, observant, watchful, intuitive. And you are no longer a Christian, no longer a Hindu, no longer an American, no longer a Russian. All that bullshit has been completely burned, nothing is left of it.
This is the only way, to replace the politicians by the intelligentsia.

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Never make love a politics, a power struggle.

A gift of love out of freedom is beautiful. When you possess a person and the person is forced to give her love, it is almost ugly, almost dead, full of hatred. If you feel unhappy, tell her not to worry and that it has nothing to do with her. Never make love a politics, a power struggle.
When love gives freedom it becomes tremendously powerful repression. People don’t understand and that’s why they have chosen repression. Freedom means that both are free. But people have decided to repress it because they know that if the woman moves, the man is allowed to; if the man moves, the woman is allowed to. Rather than being free they have decided to be slaves. People have decided to be slaves in order to make others slaves.
So just think about it. Meet out of your freedom, stay together out of your freedom, and when you are feeling good, be together. Both drop all repressions and let’s see what happens, and that power is not ordinary power. It is very very graceful and has a totally different quality to it – magnetic, but almost divine.

Saturday 24 January 2015

Your action is punishment and your action is your reward. You are the master of your destiny."

There are many legends about the Bodhidharma; they all have some significance. The first legend is: When he reached China -- it took him three years -- the Chinese emperor Wu came to receive him. His fame had reached ahead of him. Emperor Wu had done great service to the philosophy of Gautam Buddha. Thousands of scholars were translating Buddhist scriptures from Pali into Chinese and the emperor was the patron of all that great work of translation. He had made thousands of temples and monasteries, and he was feeding thousands of monks. He had put his whole treasure at the service of Gautam Buddha, and naturally the Buddhist monks who had reached before Bodhidharma had been telling him that he was earning great virtue, that he will be born as a god in heaven.
Naturally, his first question to Bodhidharma was, "I have made so many monasteries, I am feeding thousands of scholars, I have opened a whole university for the studies of Gautam Buddha, I have put my whole empire and its treasures in the service of Gautam Buddha. What is going to be my reward?"
He was a little embarrassed seeing Bodhidharma, not thinking that the man would be like this. He looked very ferocious. He had very big eyes, but he had a very soft heart -- just a lotus flower in his heart. But his face was almost as dangerous as you can conceive. Just the sunglasses were missing; otherwise he was a mafia guy!

With great fear, Emperor Wu asked the question, and Bodhidharma said, "Nothing, no reward. On the contrary, be ready to fall into the seventh hell."
The emperor said, "But I have not done anything wrong -- why the seventh hell? I have been doing everything that the Buddhist monks have been telling me."
Bodhidharma said, "Unless you start hearing your own voice, nobody can help you, Buddhist or non-Buddhist. And you have not yet heard your inner voice. If you had heard it, you would not have asked such a stupid question.
"On the path of Gautam Buddha there is no reward because the very desire for reward comes from a greedy mind. The whole teaching of Gautam Buddha is desirelessness and if you are doing all these so-called virtuous acts, making temples and monasteries and feeding thousands of monks, with a desire in your mind, you are preparing your way towards hell. If you are doing these things out of joy, to share your joy with the whole empire, and there is not even a slight desire anywhere for any reward, the very act is a reward unto itself. Otherwise you have missed the whole point."
Emperor Wu said, "My mind is so full of thoughts. I have been trying to create some peace of mind, but I have failed and because of these thoughts and their noise, I cannot hear what you are calling the inner voice. I don't know anything about it."
Bodhidharma said, "Then, four o'clock in the morning, come alone without any bodyguards to the temple in the mountains where I am going to stay. And I will put your mind at peace, forever."
The emperor thought this man really outlandish, outrageous. He had met many monks; they were so polite, but this one does not even bother that he is an emperor of a great country. And to go to him in the darkness of early morning at four o'clock, alone.... And this man seems to be dangerous -- he always used to carry a big staff with him.
The emperor could not sleep the whole night, "To go or not to go? Because that man can do anything. He seems to be absolutely unreliable." And on the other hand, he felt deep down in his heart the sincerity of the man, that he is not a hypocrite. He does not care a bit that you are an emperor and he is just a beggar. He behaves as an emperor, and in front of him you are just a beggar. And the way he has said, "I will put your mind at peace forever."
"Strange, because I have been asking," the emperor thought, "of many many wise people who have come from India, and they all gave me methods, techniques, which I have been practicing, but nothing is happening -- and this strange fellow, who looks almost mad, or drunk, and has a strange face with such big eyes that he creates fear.... But he seems to be sincere too -- he is a wild phenomenon. And it is worth to risk. What can he do -- at the most he can kill me." Finally, he could not resist the temptation because the man had promised, "I will put your mind at peace forever."
Emperor Wu reached the temple at four o'clock, early in the morning in darkness, alone, and Bodhidharma was standing there with his staff, just on the

       steps, and he said, "I knew you would be coming, although the whole night you debated whether to go or not to go. What kind of an emperor are you -- so cowardly, being afraid of a poor monk, a poor beggar who has nothing in the world except this staff. And with this staff I am going to put your mind to silence."
The emperor thought, "My God, who has ever heard that with a staff you can put somebody's mind to silence! You can finish him, hit him hard on the head -- then the whole man is silent, not the mind. But now it is too late to go back."
And Bodhidharma said, "Sit down here in the courtyard of the temple." There was not a single man around. "Close your eyes, I am sitting in front of you with my staff. Your work is to catch hold of the mind. Just close your eyes and go inside looking for it -- where it is. The moment you catch hold of it, just tell me, `Here it is.' And my staff will do the remaining thing."
It was the strangest experience any seeker of truth or peace or silence could have ever had -- but now there was no other way. Emperor Wu sat there with closed eyes, knowing perfectly well that Bodhidharma seems to mean everything he says. He looked all around -- there was no mind. That staff did its work. For the first time he was in such a situation. The choice... if you find the mind, one never knows what this man is going to do with his staff. And in that silent mountainous place, in the presence of Bodhidharma, who has a charisma of his own.... There have been many enlightened people, but Bodhidharma stands aloof, alone, like an Everest. His every act is unique and original. His every gesture has his own signature; it is not borrowed.
He tried hard to look for the mind, and for the first time he could not find the mind. It is a small strategy. Mind exists only because you never look for it; it exists only because you are never aware of it. When you are looking for it you are aware of it, and awareness surely kills it completely. Hours passed and the sun was rising in the silent mountains with a cool breeze. Bodhidharma could see on the face of Emperor Wu such peace, such silence, such stillness as if he was a statue. He shook him and asked him, "It has been a long time. Have you found the mind?"
Emperor Wu said, "Without using your staff, you have pacified my mind completely. I don't have any mind and I have heard the inner voice about which you talked. Now I know whatever you said was right. You have transformed me without doing anything. Now I know that each act has to be a reward unto itself; otherwise, don't do it. Who is there to give you the reward? This is a childish idea. Who is there to give you the punishment? Your action is punishment and your action is your reward. You are the master of your destiny."
Bodhidharma said, "You are a rare disciple. I love you, I respect you, not as an emperor but as a man who has the courage just in a single sitting to bring so much awareness, so much light, that all darkness of the mind disappears."
Wu tried to persuade him to come to the palace. He said, "That is not my place; you can see I am wild, I do things I myself don't know beforehand. I live moment to moment spontaneously, I am very unpredictable. I may create unnecessary trouble for you, your court, your people; I am not meant for palaces, just let me live in my wildness."

Friday 23 January 2015

Erich Von Daniken on Aliens & Possibilities.

When Thomas Edison invented his carbon filament lamp in 1879, gas shares fell overnight. In England, Parliament set up a Committee of Inquiry to examine the future possibilities of the new method of lighting. Sir William Preece, Postmaster-General and Chairman of the Committee, told the House of Commons that it had reached the conclusion that electric light in the home was fanciful and absurd.
Today electric lights burn in every house in the civilised world.
Obsessed by man's age-old dream of being able to fly, Leonardo da Vinci spent years secretly working on the construction of flying machines that were amazingly like the prototype of the modern helicopter, but he hid his sketches for fear of the Inquisition. When they were published in 1797, the reaction was unanimous that heavier-than-air machines could never leave the ground.
Even at the beginning of this century the celebrated astronomer Simon New-comb thought that a motive force powerful enough to enable flying machines to cover long distance was inconceivable. Yet only a few decades later aeroplanes were carrying tremendous loads over land and sea.
Reviewing Professor Hermann Oberth's book Rockets to I Planetary Space in 1924, the world famous periodical Nature commented that a space rocket project would probably only become practicable shortly before mankind became extinct. Even during the 1940's when the first rockets had already been launched from the earth's surface and flown hundreds of miles, doctors insisted that any kind of manned space travel was impossible because the human metabolism would be unable to stand the condition of weightlessness for several days on end.
Yet mankind has not died out and rockets are a familiar sight, and contrary to all predictions the human metabolism can obviously stand the condition of weightlessness.
What I am saying is that at some time or other the technical feasibility of every new idea vitally affecting the life of mankind was 'not proven'. Proof of its practicability was always preceded by the speculation of the so-called visionaries who were violently attacked, or what is often harder to stomach, laughed at condescendingly by their contemporaries.
I admit quite frankly that in this sense I am a visionary, too, but I do not live in splendid isolation with my speculations. My conviction that intelligences from other planets have visited the earth in the remote past is already under serious consideration by many scientists in both East and West.
For example, Professor Charles Hapgood told me during my stay in the USA that Albert Einstein, whom he had known personally, was in complete sympathy with the idea of a prehistoric visit by extraterrestrial intelligences.
In Moscow Professor Josef Samuilovich Shklovsky, one of the leading astrophysicists and radioastronomers of our day, assured me that he was convinced that the earth had received a visit from the cosmos at least once.
The well-known space biologist Carl Sagan (USA) also does not exclude the possibility that 'the earth has been visited by representatives of an extraterrestrial civilisation at least once in the course of its history'.
And Professor Hermann Oberth, the father of the rocket, told me in these words:
 'I consider a visit to our planet by an extraterrestrial race to be extremely probable.'
It is gratifying to know that under the pressure of successful space flights science is beginning to concern itself intensively with ideas that were absolutely taboo only decades ago. And I am convinced that with every rocket that shoots into the universe the traditional opposition to my theory about the 'gods' will get weaker and weaker.

~~~Erich Von Daniken

Thursday 22 January 2015

Small meditation tip to produce the same effect of intoxication-For those who want to Quit.

For the people who are constantly trying to quit drugs ,smoking and other addiction but are not succeeding doing it.

Here is a small meditation tip to produce the same effect of intoxication only that the effect is produced right in your brain minus the ill effects of any drugs /cigarette/alcohol.
As you might be knowing the reasons for intoxication is that our cerebrum is affected whenever we drink or smoke and dopamine is produced in our brain along with small levels of DMT,thats the main reason why it is said that drunk men are honest..LOL.
While drinking and smoking might be fun once in a while but becomes a problem in the long run,economically and healthwise.

While this meditation will give you the nearest effect of intoxication,it cannot produce the same effect because it is all in your brain and is not absorbed by your nervous system and blood making it a safe alternative.

1.)Sit in a place where you are not disturbed.
2.)Cross your legs,if you cant then take a back support and spread your legs.
3.) Start taking deep breaths through your nose and your nose alone and not through your mouth.(i know, it may be difficult for heavy smokers)
4.)Now as you breathe in through your nose,imagine at the same time that a white light is passing through your forehead (for advanced meditators,imagine the white light entering through your Third eye).
5.Let the light circulate through your brain as you continue with your breathing.
6.)The final push-As you are ready that you want the intoxication effect,breathe out through your nose ,at the same time imagining that the energy is leaving via your forehead and just before it leaves completely ,a huge white light is produced in your brain (imagine like someone has just switched on a huge SUN in your brain).
7.)Continue from steps 3 to 6 for more effects.

Just think about how many health hazards you would be avoiding if you quit and also you will be saving a lot of money,since you will be not smoking anymore or drinking.


Wednesday 21 January 2015

Heed the advice of Christ when he said resist not evil.

In the game of chess, the most powerful piece, the king, has, in fact, the most restricted mobility. 
He can only move one square at a time in any direction. But, it is not his adversary who imposes the said restrictions but the members of his own court. His very defenders impede his range of movement and action. 

The message and lesson here should be self-evident. Are we not the kings? 

Regardless of how he has misused power and freedom, the human is still regent of the Earth and the known universe?
Our commitment and resolve is contained not by an adversary (alien or other), as much as by our own ineptitude. It is our strategies, or lack of them, that hinder resolution. This is the consequence of fighting “ high places” without the correct discernment.

Perhaps, we should heed the advice of Christ when he said resist not evil.

Monday 19 January 2015

What do you seek? light or darkness?

One person may say that light and only light is the truth. He will then ignore darkness and look upon it as false. But just by calling darkness false, the existence of darkness is not denied. He can be consistent because he denies darkness and does not bother about its existence. His philosophy can be clear, straight and consistent like mathematics. In his philosophy there will be no riddles.

However, someone else who says that there is darkness and only darkness everywhere, that light is only an illusion, can also be consistent.

Sunday 18 January 2015

What should change? Man or Culture??

To feel Love is easy, to define love is difficult indeed. If you ask a fish what the sea is like, the fish will say, ”This is the sea. The sea is all around. And that’s that.” But if you insist – ”Please define the sea” – then the problem becomes very difficult indeed.
The finest and the most beautiful things in life can be lived, can be known, but they are difficult to define, difficult to describe.
Man’s misery is this: for the last four to five thousand years he has simply talked and talked about something he should have been living earnestly, about something that must be realized from within– about love. There have been great talks on love, countless love songs have been sung, and devotional hymns are continuously being chanted in the temples and in the churches – what all isn’t done in the name of love? – still there is no place for love in man’s life. If we delve deeply into
mankind’s languages, we will not find a more untrue word than ”love”.
All the religions carry on about love, but the kind of love that is found everywhere, the kind of love that has enveloped man like some hereditary misfortune has only succeeded in closing all the gates to
love in man’s life. But the masses worship the leaders of the religions as the creators of love. They have falsified love; they have blocked all love’s streams.

The stream of love has not yet surfaced in man. And we attribute this to man himself. We say it is because man is spoiled that love has not evolved, that there is no current of love in our lives. We
blame it on the mind; we say the mind is poisonous. The mind is not poison. Those who degrade the mind have poisoned love; they have not allowed the growth of love. Nothing in this world is poison.
Nothing is bad in God’s whole creation; everything is nectar. It is man alone who has transformed this full cup of nectar into poison. And the major culprits are the so-called teachers, the so-called holy men and saints, the politicians.
The ironical thing is that we have blindly accepted the reasons for this from the very same sources that are to blame for love’s not dawning on the human horizon in the first place. If misleading principles are repeated and reiterated down the centuries we fail to see the basic fallacies behind the original principles. And then chaos is created, because man is intrinsically incapable of becoming what these unnatural rules say he should become. We simply accept that man is wrong.

In ancient times, a hawker of hand-fans used to pass by the palace of the king every day. He used to brag about the unique and wonderful fans he sold. No one, he claimed, had ever seen such fans before.
The king had a collection of all sorts of fans from every corner of the world and so he was curious.
He leaned over his balcony one day to have a look at this seller of unique and wonderful fans. To him the fans looked ordinary, hardly worth a penny, but he called the man upstairs anyway. The king
asked, ”What is the uniqueness of those fans? And what is their price?”
The hawker replied, ”Your Majesty, they don’t cost much. Considering the quality of these fans, the price is very low: one hundred rupees a fan.”
The king was amazed. ”One hundred rupees! This paisa-fan, this penny-fan, is available anywhere in the market. And you ask a hundred rupees! What is so special about these fans?”
The man said, ”The quality! Each fan is guaranteed to last one hundred years. Even in one hundred years, it won’t spoil.”
”From the look of it, it seems impossible it can even last a week. Are you trying to cheat me? Is this outright fraud? And with the king, too?”
The vendor answered, ”My Lord, would I dare? You know very well, sir, that I walk under your balcony daily, selling my fans. The price is one hundred rupees a fan, and I am responsible if it doesn’t last one hundred years. Every day I am available in the street. And, above all, you are the ruler of this land. How can I be safe if I cheat you?”
The fan was purchased at the asking price. Although the king did not trust the hawker, he was dying of curiosity to know what grounds the man had for making such a statement. The vendor was ordered to present himself again on the seventh day.
The central stick came out in three days, and the fan disintegrated before the week was out.
The king was sure the seller of fans would never turn up again, but to his complete surprise the man presented himself as he had been asked to – on time, on the seventh day. ”At your service, Your Majesty.”
The king was furious. ”You rascal! You fool! Look. There lies your fan, all broken into pieces. This is its condition in a week, and you guaranteed it would last a hundred years! Are you mad, or just a supercheat?”
The man replied humbly, ”With due respect, it seems My Lord does not know how to use fans. The fan must last for one hundred years; it is guaranteed. How did you fan?”
The king said, ”My goodness. Now I will have to learn how to fan too!”
”Please don’t be angry. How did the fan come to this fate in just seven days? How did you fan?” The king lifted the fan, showing the manner in which one fans.
The man said, ”Now I understand. You shouldn’t fan like that.”
”What other way is there?” the king asked.
The man explained, ”Hold the fan steady. Keep it steady in front of you and then move your head to and fro. The fan will last one hundred years. You will pass away but the fan will remain intact.
Nothing is wrong with the fan; the way you fan is wrong. You keep the fan steady and move your head. Where is my fan at fault? The fault is yours, not that of my fan.”

Mankind is accused of a similar fault. Look at humanity. Man is so sick, sick from the accumulated illness of five, six, ten thousand years. It is repeatedly said that it is man who is wrong, not the culture. Man is rotting, yet the culture is praised. Our great culture! Our great religion! Everything is great! And see the fruits of it!

They say, ”Man is wrong; man should change himself,” yet no one stands up to question whether things aren’t like they are because our culture and religion, unable to fill man with love after ten
thousand years, are based on false values. And if love hasn’t evolved in the last ten thousand years, take it from me there is no future possibility, based on this culture and religion, of ever seeing a loving
man. Something which could not be achieved in the last ten thousand years cannot be attained in the next ten thousand years. Today’s man will be the same tomorrow. Although the outer wrappings of etiquette, civilization and technology change from time to time, man is the same and will be the same forever.

Friday 16 January 2015

Nothing is wrong in sexuality but that is the lowest form of love, the first rung of the ladder.

Love opens doors to the whole Milky Way. Love is the bridge between earth and heaven, between man and god. Let love be your only law; there is no higher truth. If a man can love, then nothing else is needed; that will transform.
But a few things to be kept in mind about love. Love should not be a demanding love; otherwise it loses wings, it cannot fly. It becomes rooted in the earth, becomes very earthly; then it is lust and it brings great misery and great suffering. Love should not be conditional, one should not expect anything out of it. It should be for its own sake – not for any reward, not for any result. If there is some motive in it, again, your love cannot become the sky. It is confined to the motive; the motive becomes its definition, its boundary. Unmotivated love has no boundary: it is pure elation, exuberance, it is the fragrance of the heart.
And because there is no desire for any result, it does not mean that results do not happen; they do, they happen a thousand fold more, because whatsoever we give to the world, it comes back, it rebounds. The world is an echoing place: if we throw anger, anger comes back; if we give love, love comes back. But that is a natural phenomenon, one need not think about it. One can trust: it happens on its own. This is the law of karma: whatsoever you sow, you reap; whatsoever you give, you get. So there is no need to think about it, it is automatic. Hate, and you will be hated. Love, and you will be loved.
And the third thing: let love become more and more conscious. When it is unconscious it remains entangled with sexuality. Nothing is wrong in sexuality but that is the lowest form of love, the first rung of the ladder. It is good in itself but to remain confined to it is not to grow: there are higher rungs in the ladder. The ladder reaches to the ultimate and sex is the first rung. Use it to go beyond it.
Love should be more conscious. When it is conscious it is less sexual. I am not saying that there will be no sex: sex will be there but it will not be sexual. It will be pure sensuality; that is a totally different phenomenon. It will be sheer joy, sensitivity, but there will be no sexual mind behind it. You will not be thinking about sex, there will be no cerebral sex in it no head sex in it. It will be a simple sharing of energies. So these three things to be remembered; then love, slowly slowly, becomes light.

Wednesday 14 January 2015

Quotes & Messages from Intellectuals on Manipulative Government and Sheeple.

Quotes & Messages from Intellectuals on Manipulative Government and Sheeple.

Don’t worry sheeple, there is one for you too.

If you think of yourselves as helpless and ineffectual, it is certain that you will create a despotic government to be your master. The wise despot…maintains among his subjects a popular sense that they are helpless and ineffectual. -Frank Herbert.

He who fights too long against dragons, becomes a dragon himself.
 --Fredrick Nietzsche.

Light never battles darkness, so when you see a fight it is always between two dark forces.
--Vernon Howard.

We can accept God becoming Man to save Man, but not Man becoming God to save himself.
--Vernon Howard.

Those who fear to face Reality, can never hope to change Reality.
 --Michael Tsarion.

We wrestle not against flesh and blood,
but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world,
against spiritual wickedness in high places.
--Ephesians 6:12

Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men. --Martin Luther King, Jr.

Man is born free, yet everywhere he is in chains. -J. J. Rousseau.

Rise up! like lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in your sleep had fallen on you
Ye are many – and they are few
-Percy Shelly.

So the gods will depart from mankind – a grievous thing! – and only evil angels will remain,who will mingle with men, and drive the poor wretches by main force into all manner of reckless crime, into wars, and robberies, and frauds, and all things hostile to the nature of
the soul…Darkness will be preferred to light, and death will be thought more profitable than life…the pious will be deemed insane, and the impious wise, the madman will be thought a brave man, and the wicked will be esteemed as good. -Hermes Trismegistus, AD 150-270

A great change will come to pass, such as no mortal man will have expected. Heaven and Hell will confront each other in this struggle. Old states will perish and light and darkness will be pitted against each other with swords, but it will be swords of a different fashion.
With these swords it will be possible to cut up the skies and to split the Earth. A great lament will come over all mankind and only a small batch will survive the tempest, the pestilence, and the horror.
--Pastor Bartholomaeus, 1638.

Whatever goes on, I am ready for it!!

Suchness, is the supreme most resolution; it’s the ultimate resolve. There is no determination higher than this. Even the resolve to enter death voluntarily is not so great a resolve really. Tathata means accepting things as they are. In a way, even the resolve to die voluntarily has
its roots somewhere in nonacceptance. That is, we want to know what death is; we want to verify whether death actually occurs or not.
Tathata means, if death appears we will die; if life remains we’ll continue to live. Neither are we concerned with life, nor with death. If darkness falls we’ll stay in the dark; if the light appears we’ll settle with light. If something good comes to us we’ll receive it; if something bad befalls us we’ll bear it. Whatsoever happens, we are willing to accept it – we deny nothing. Let me explain this to you with an example.
Diogenes was passing through a forest. He walked around naked – had a beautiful body. It seems quite possible man must have started wearing clothes in order to cover his ugliness. This seems highly possible. We are always interested in hiding the ugly parts of our body. But this man Diogenes was a very handsome man. He lived naked.
So as he was passing through the forest, four men engaged in the business of capturing and selling slaves, saw him. They figured if they could capture this man – good looking, strong, powerful –they may receive a good price for him. But they felt very apprehensive and couldn’t find any way to capture him without risking their lives.
Somehow, they tried and managed to surround him. Diogenes stood in the middle, calm and unperturbed. He asked, ”What do you want to do?” The men were very surprised. They took out chains. Diogenes stretched out his hands. Full of fear and with trembling hands, the captors began to chain him.
Diogenes said, ”No need to tremble. Come, let me tie the chains for you.” He helped them put on the chains. The men were simply flabbergasted.
After having chained him firmly, they said, ”What sort of a man are you? We are putting you in chains and you are helping us! We were afraid this might lead to some fighting and trouble.”
Diogenes said, ”You are having fun chaining me, I am having fun in being chained. Where is the need for any trouble? It’s great! Now tell me, where do we go from here?”
The men said, ”We feel very embarrassed in telling you that we are in the business of slavery. We’ll now take you to the marketplace and put you up for sale.”
Diogenes said, ”Good, let’s go.” He took off with great excitement and began walking even faster than the captors.
They said, ”Please slow down a little. What’s the hurry?”
Diogenes said, ”Now that we are going to the marketplace, why not reach in time?”
So finally they reached the marketplace. It was very crowded. Those who had come to buy slaves turned their eyes toward Diogenes. They had rarely seen a slave of this quality, because he looked more like an emperor. A huge crowd gathered around him.
He was made to stand on the platform where the slaves were auctioned. Raising his voice, the auctioneer said, ”Here is a slave for sale. Come forward and name your price.”
Diogenes said, ”Shut up, you fool! Ask these men, did I walk in front, or did they? Did they tie the chains on me or did I let them tie the chains on me?”
His captors said, ”The man is right. Left to ourselves, we don’t believe we could have captured him. And indeed he walked ahead of us so fast that we could not keep pace with him – we had to practically run behind him. So it is not correct to say we have brought him to the marketplace. The truth is, we have followed him to this place. And it is not right to say we have made him a slave. The fact is, this man agreed to become a slave, we didn’t make him.”
Diogenes said, ”Stop talking nonsense you fools, and let me do my own auctioneering! Besides, this man’s voice is not loud enough, no one will be able to hear him in this large crowd.”
So Diogenes raised his voice and said, ”A master has come here for sale. Anyone interested in buying him should come forward.”
Someone from the crowd asked, ”You call yourself a master?”
Diogenes said, ”Yes, I call myself a master. I tied the chains on my own. I have come here on my own, willingly. I stand here for sale of my own free will. And I shall leave whenever I choose to leave.
Nothing can happen against my will, because whatsoever happens I make that my will.”
Diogenes is saying, ”Whatsoever happens, I make that my will.” This man has indeed attained to tathata, suchness. What it means is: whatever goes on, he is ready for it.