Wednesday 6 August 2014

Blessed Are the Ignorant

Deva means divine, and agyana means ignorance; divine ignorance. And this has to be understood.
All knowledge is superfluous. Knowledge as such is superfluous. And all knowledge creates only
an illusion that we know – we don’t know. You can live with a man your whole life, and you can think
that you know him – and you don’t know him. You can give birth to a child, and you can think you
know him – and you don’t know him.
And whatsoever we think we know is very illusory.

Ignorance is so profound and so ultimate that it cannot be destroyed. And once you understand it,
you can rest in it. It is so beautiful, it is so relaxing... because then there is nowhere to go. There
is nothing to be known, because nothing can be known. Ignorance is ultimate. It is tremendous and
All that we know is illusory. Somehow we manage the illusion that we know. Somebody introduces
you to somebody else, tells them your name, your qualifications, your country, and it is thought that
you have been introduced. You remain completely unintroduced, because your name is not you,
neither is your country nor is your religion. You are that profound ignorance inside.

But when I use the word ignorance, I don’t use it in any negative sense – I don’t mean absence of
knowledge. By ignorance I mean something very fundamental, very present, very positive. It is how
we are. It is the very nature of god to remain mysterious. It is the very nature of things to remain
mysterious. Everything is illusive, and that’s why it is so beautiful. If man succeeds in knowing
everything one day, there will not be anything left except to commit suicide.

We can go on knowing and knowing and knowing, and we never arrive – the ignorance remains
untouched, undisturbed by it.
To come to an understanding of this ignorance is to become enlightened. Hence the socratic dictum:
’I know only one thing – that I don’t know.’ That’s what enlightenment is all about. If you can accept
your ignorance – welcome it, cherish it, enjoy, delight in it, because this is how things are: nothing is
known, nothing can be known and everything is mysterious your life will have a quality of magic.

MKS. <3 <3 <3

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