Wednesday 6 August 2014

Blessed are the Ignorant -Second Part

Deva means divine and barakha means rainshower – divine rainshower. And that’s how the whole life is – a divine rainshower – and every moment god is showering. We just need to be receptive, we need to be open, we need to be porous, so that we can absorb god. To become a sannyasin is to
become a sponge. Ego makes one very hard, nonporous... and sannyas is surrender. So surrender your hardness to me, and become soft, receptive, open, vulnerable.

There are reasons why people are hard... because they are afraid. It is only because of fear that people become very hard... because they want to protect themselves, and if you are too protective,god will not enter in you. He can enter only when you are completely unprotected. It is a dangerous path, but the risk is worth taking. This is the only way that one becomes that which one is meant to be.
We are almost like seeds: if we don’t die, and if the hardness is not dropped, we will never become a sprout. And for the seed the rainshower is meaningless. For a sprout, it is a great benediction.

The rainshower is a benediction for a sprout, for a plant.
Deva means divine and punitam means purity – divine purity. There is a purity which is human; the human purity is against evil. The divine purity is so pure that it can absorb the evil – it is not against it.
All human concepts are dual – good and bad, god and devil, moral and immoral – and you achieve to the divine only when all duality is transcended.


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