Sunday, 10 August 2014

Jealousy or Fear??

A person, said he felt a lot of jealousy at the possibility of his girlfriend having sexual relations
with anyone else. He said he tried to just witness the fear of her leaving him for someone else, but
it still persisted.

Nothing is wrong in the fear because that is always possible – she may go to somebody else, she
may be taken by somebody else. So I cannot console you. Nothing is wrong in the fear. It is
absolutely realistic. The future remains open. She is with you today; tomorrow she may not be. So
rather than creating too much anxiety about tomorrow, be happy with her today because she may
not be with you tomorrow.
Just tell the mind, ’Yes, it is possible but nothing can be done about it.’ The future always remains
beyond our power, that’s why it is the future. It simply means that nothing can be done about it right
now because it is not yet. All that you can do, you can only do with the present. With the past you
cannot do anything; it is gone.
Only this small moment of the present is all that is on our hands. Something can be done in it. And
it is so small that if you waste too much time in thinking, it is gone. Do something! Rather than being
afraid, hug her, kiss her, sing a song together or dance because this moment is slipping by. Gone,
it will be gone forever. Then you may start worrying that you didn’t use this moment and now it is
gone. Then you were worrying about the future, and when the future has become the present, you
may be worrying about the past. That’s how people go on.

Tomorrow is open. Anything is possible... and everything is possible. So live this moment as totally
as possible, that’s all. When tomorrow comes you will have to see. There is no guarantee about it.
People have tried all sorts of tricks with the future. Marriage is a trick so that the future can become
guaranteed – but you may have the woman and still the woman may not be yours. What to do? You
may have the police and the court and the law on your side, but the love can disappear, and that will
be even more miserable.
If the woman has gone, good; love is also gone. But if the love is gone and the woman is still there,
you are stuck. That’s how many marriages are. But marriage is a trick because of this fear. Marriage
is not because of love; it is because of fear. If you love a person, there is no point in getting married
because you don’t think of the future. But it is because of fear. Tomorrow?... So the first thing: make
arrangements for tomorrow – legal, political, social.
... It is uncomfortable because you are not seeing the reality of it. It is real.

As I see it, you are not totally in love, hence the fear. You are not enjoying her presence as totally as
possible, hence the fear. Nothing is wrong with the fear. The fear is simply natural. It becomes too
obsessive because you are afraid that this moment is going and tomorrow is not certain. If tomorrow
were certain you would not worry about this moment: ’Let it go. Tomorrow is certain. I will love her
tomorrow.’ Now tomorrow is uncertain and this moment is going, passing by, and you are not being
able to love. That’s how fear grips you.
So don’t talk about ’shoulds’ and ’oughts’. Go and sit by her side and hold her hand before she
escapes! Do it immediately !


Friday, 8 August 2014

Your Eureka Moment!!

Unless you enquire on your own you will never find what life is all about, what truth is, what  these tremendous moments are, like when one becomes a disciple, when one finds a master.... You will never know those moments of ultimate rejoicing. You will never run in the street naked, shouting, ”Eureka! I have found it!”
Archimedes was not mad. He was one of the most important scientists of his time and of all times.
And if he, finding a simple thing, a scientific fact, forgets all about clothing because he was in his
bathtub when he found a certain principle for which he had been looking....
When you are looking continuously in all directions, knocking on all doors, you never know which door is the right door. Archimedes was puzzled for months because the king had told him, ”If you are really a scientist you should find out one thing. Somebody, another king, has presented me with a crown of gold. I want to know whether it is pure gold, or if there is some mixture in it. Is any other metal mixed in with it? And I don’t want the crown to be cut. I don’t want you even to touch it. You have to find the answer without spoiling the beautiful present.”

For months Archimedes was troubled: how to find out? If he were allowed to cut a little piece of the crown it would have been possible to find out whether other metals were mixed in or not. When a question remains continuously with you for twenty-four hours, it takes you, by and by, close to the answer. The answer comes in a moment of relaxation. The question is a tension, but you can get the answer in relaxation only if the tension has been to its uttermost climax.
It had been so for months, and the king was asking every day. Archimedes was starting to feel
embarrassed: a well known scientist cannot find such a small thing? People had started laughing
at him. He could not sleep, he could not do anything – only one question.... That day, relaxing in his bathtub – which was full of water, completely full – as he sat in the tub, naturally some water flowed out to make a space for him. And something clicked in his mind. He weighed the water that had flowed out, and he found the principle. If pure gold is put in water, then a certain amount of water will come out. If some other metal is mixed in it, then a different amount of water will come out, because that certain metal will not have the same effect on water as the gold if it is pure.
Now the crown need not be destroyed; it has just to be put in water, and another piece of pure gold
of the same volume can be put in water and you can see how much water comes out from both. If it is exactly the same then the crown is of pure gold; if it is not, then there is a mixture. The finding was not something great. He had not found a master, or truth; he had not realized himself. He had not entered into nirvana. But such a small finding.... The question is not of small or great; the question is of finding yourself. The joy comes from finding, not what you find.
Archimedes jumped out of his bathtub, ran out of his bathroom, and rushed into the street shouting,”Eureka!” A crowd followed him. They thought, ”We were always thinking this man is crazy, now he has gone completely crazy; naked, he is going towards the palace!”

He reached the court naked, shouting ”Eureka, I have found it!”

The king said, ”It seems you must have found it. But where are your clothes?” That moment
Archimedes became aware that he was naked.
The king said, ”Your coming naked shows that you must have found it, because when someone finds something it is such a joy. Who cares about clothes? Who remembers about manners? You need not say anything to me; just your coming in this way has given me proof that you must have found it.”

But you have not found Christianity. You have never shouted, ”Eureka!” You have not found
Hinduism; you have not found anything that could have driven you into the street naked, shouting.This is why such a question arises.
You have been living on borrowed things. You can borrow things but you cannot borrow experiences.
You can borrow money from someone, but you cannot borrow his love experience. You cannot say,
”Just give me your love experience for two days, and I will return it with interest.” Love experience is not a commodity.


Thursday, 7 August 2014

Know Yourself~Your Capability

                      MAN is not aware of what he is capable unless he comes to realize it.

It is just like a small young bird. The bird, sitting in the shelter the mother and the father have made,watches them fly, can see the delight of their flight. He himself would also like to fly in the same way,be on the wing in the infinite sky, under the sun. Seeing them going higher, moving with the winds,a great urge arises in him also. But he is not aware that he is capable of the same flight, the same delight, the same dance. He is not even aware that he has wings.
It takes a little time for the mother and the father to persuade him. And they have a certain
methodology to persuade him. The mother may sit just a little higher on another branch and give a call to the child. The child tries to fly but is afraid he may fall. But the mother goes on calling him; that gives him confidence. Sometimes it is needed for the father to actually push him out of the shelter.

There is fear, he is nervous, but one thing is certain: for the first time he knows he has wings.
He flutters his wings. He does not know how to fly, but the mother is not far away; he manages to
reach her – the miracle has happened. Now the mother’s call will be coming from a second tree,
and then the call will be coming from a far-off forest. But once he knows that he has wings, then
distances don’t matter. Slowly there is no need for the mother to call or the father to push him.
One day comes when he simply says goodbye to his father and mother and flies and never comes
back. He has become an individual on his own.

Whatever you see in me, feel in me, is there in you, but only as a potential.

MAN’S mind is a Pandora’s box.
It contains the whole of evolution from the lowest creature to the highest genius. They are all living together in man’s mind simultaneously, they are all contemporaries. It is not that something is past,something is present, something is future: as far as mind is concerned everything is simultaneous,contemporary.
It has to be understood very clearly because without understanding it the question will remain
unresolved. The idiot is in you, so is the genius. Of course the idiot is much more powerful because it has a longer history, and the genius is a very still, small voice. From Khomeini to Einstein you are spread; and the trouble is that Khomeini is in the majority, much more in you than Albert Einstein,who is in a very poor minority.
Think of man’s mind as a pyramid. The base is made up of Khomeinis, millions of Khomeiniacs, and as you go upwards there are fewer and fewer people. At the peak they are not in millions, not in billions, only in dozens – and at the very peak, perhaps there is a single individual.


Love~~~ Is it Dangerous?

Love always brings trouble – and it has to be faced. Love cannot be always smooth, and it
is good that it is not always smooth, otherwise you would not grow.
Whenever there is a change, any sort of change, things will come into focus more clearly. When
change disturbs you, all your inner disturbances are stirred. You are both feeling disturbed and both trying to throw the responsibility on the other. Just try to see it inside yourself. The other is never responsible. Remember that as a mantra: The other is never responsible....
Just watch it ... just watch it. If you become wise in the moment, there will be no problem. This is
wisdom that you get later on. Everybody becomes wise when the moment is gone. Retrospective
wisdom is worthless. When you are picking on something, at that very moment become aware, and
let awareness function. Immediately you will drop it.
But when you have done everything and fought and nagged and bitched and then you become wise and see that there was no point in it, it is too late. It is meaningless – you have done the harm. This wisdom is just pseudo-wisdom. It gives you a feeling as if you have understood. That is a trick of the ego. This wisdom is not going to help. When you were doing the thing, at that very moment,simultaneously, the awareness should arise, and you should see that it is useless.
If you can see it when it is there, then you cannot do it. One can never go against one’s awareness,and if one goes against it, that awareness is not awareness. Something else is being mistaken for it.

So remember, the other is never responsible for anything. It is something boiling within you. And of course the one you love is closest to you. You cannot throw it on some stranger passing on the road,so the closest person becomes the place where you go on throwing and pouring your nonsense.
But that has to be avoided, because love is very fragile. If you do it too much, if you overdo it, love
can disappear.
The other is never responsible. Try to make this such a permanent state of awareness in you that
whenever you start finding something wrong with the other, remember it. Catch yourself redhanded, and drop it then and there. And ask to be forgiven.
And the second thing. Don’t think that love is eternal. It is very fragile. It is as fragile as a rose
flower. In the morning it is there – by the evening it is gone. Any small thing can destroy it. In fact the higher a thing, the more fragile it is. It has to be protected. A rock will remain there but the flower will be gone. If you throw a rock against the flower, the rock is not going to be hurt, but the flower will be destroyed.
Love is very fragile and very delicate. One has to be very very careful and cautious about it. You can do such harm that the other becomes closed, becomes defensive. That’s how one becomes closed.
If you are fighting too much he will start escaping you; he will start becoming more and more cold,more and more closed, so he is no more vulnerable to your attack. Then you will attack him more because you will resist that coldness. This can become a vicious circle. And that’s how lovers fall apart by and by. They drift away from each other, and they think that the other was responsible, that the other betrayed them.
In fact as I see it, no lover has ever betrayed anybody. It is only ignorance that kills love – nobody
betrays it. Both wanted to be together, but somehow both were ignorant. Their ignorance played
tricks upon them and became multiplied. By and by they drifted. Then they think that love is

Love is not dangerous. Only unawareness is dangerous.


Wednesday, 6 August 2014


Wholeness is totally different; its flavor is different. Perfection is in the future: it is a desire.
Wholeness is herenow: it is a revelation. Perfection has to be achieved, and of course every
achievement takes time; it has to be gradual. You have to sacrifice the present for the future, the
today for the tomorrow. And the tomorrow never comes; what comes is always today.
Existence knows nothing of future and nothing of past; it knows only the present.


Blessed are the Ignorant -Second Part

Deva means divine and barakha means rainshower – divine rainshower. And that’s how the whole life is – a divine rainshower – and every moment god is showering. We just need to be receptive, we need to be open, we need to be porous, so that we can absorb god. To become a sannyasin is to
become a sponge. Ego makes one very hard, nonporous... and sannyas is surrender. So surrender your hardness to me, and become soft, receptive, open, vulnerable.

There are reasons why people are hard... because they are afraid. It is only because of fear that people become very hard... because they want to protect themselves, and if you are too protective,god will not enter in you. He can enter only when you are completely unprotected. It is a dangerous path, but the risk is worth taking. This is the only way that one becomes that which one is meant to be.
We are almost like seeds: if we don’t die, and if the hardness is not dropped, we will never become a sprout. And for the seed the rainshower is meaningless. For a sprout, it is a great benediction.

The rainshower is a benediction for a sprout, for a plant.
Deva means divine and punitam means purity – divine purity. There is a purity which is human; the human purity is against evil. The divine purity is so pure that it can absorb the evil – it is not against it.
All human concepts are dual – good and bad, god and devil, moral and immoral – and you achieve to the divine only when all duality is transcended.


Blessed Are the Ignorant

Deva means divine, and agyana means ignorance; divine ignorance. And this has to be understood.
All knowledge is superfluous. Knowledge as such is superfluous. And all knowledge creates only
an illusion that we know – we don’t know. You can live with a man your whole life, and you can think
that you know him – and you don’t know him. You can give birth to a child, and you can think you
know him – and you don’t know him.
And whatsoever we think we know is very illusory.

Ignorance is so profound and so ultimate that it cannot be destroyed. And once you understand it,
you can rest in it. It is so beautiful, it is so relaxing... because then there is nowhere to go. There
is nothing to be known, because nothing can be known. Ignorance is ultimate. It is tremendous and
All that we know is illusory. Somehow we manage the illusion that we know. Somebody introduces
you to somebody else, tells them your name, your qualifications, your country, and it is thought that
you have been introduced. You remain completely unintroduced, because your name is not you,
neither is your country nor is your religion. You are that profound ignorance inside.

But when I use the word ignorance, I don’t use it in any negative sense – I don’t mean absence of
knowledge. By ignorance I mean something very fundamental, very present, very positive. It is how
we are. It is the very nature of god to remain mysterious. It is the very nature of things to remain
mysterious. Everything is illusive, and that’s why it is so beautiful. If man succeeds in knowing
everything one day, there will not be anything left except to commit suicide.

We can go on knowing and knowing and knowing, and we never arrive – the ignorance remains
untouched, undisturbed by it.
To come to an understanding of this ignorance is to become enlightened. Hence the socratic dictum:
’I know only one thing – that I don’t know.’ That’s what enlightenment is all about. If you can accept
your ignorance – welcome it, cherish it, enjoy, delight in it, because this is how things are: nothing is
known, nothing can be known and everything is mysterious your life will have a quality of magic.

MKS. <3 <3 <3