Monday 16 February 2015

Celebrity's Opinion of “love sucks, lets F**k”

Emblazoned boldly on the chest of a man in his late forties was the t-shirt slogan “love sucks, lets F**k”.  
It made me giggle for a moment then I wondered what made that statement so attractive or relatable to him that he actually felt the need to scream it from his chest. For a lot of people sex is just a function, a need to be fulfilled and yet for many it’s synonymous with love.
 It takes an embittered person to want to only have sex and deliberately do away with all notions of love and to not even entertain the thought of a heart being involved! It’s a common belief that for women love leads to sex and that for men sex leads to love. 
I find that generalisation itself puzzling, because it either alludes that women fall in love before men do or that men fake being in love to get sex or that women compromise and have sex hoping to get the man to fall in love with them. 
The fact is that none of it really matters as long as the end result is a happy fulfilling unison, be it just for the sake of sex or because people happen to fall in love. 
The only sad part is in believing that love sucks. Because it truly doesn’t! Love is a magic ingredient. It makes for healthy relationships and ups the ante in your sex life too. Don’t let the fact you made a few wrong choices get to you.

 A defeated or cynical attitude doesn’t serve you. A heart may heal in hibernation, but it is meant for loving. Go out there, spread love, find love and experience love.

--- Pooja Bedi
(Pooja Bedi is a popular personality across all Media. In films, newspapers, television, theatre and digital media. )

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