Monday 29 December 2014

Any authentic man of experience is never dogmatic

A man asked Gautam Buddha a question one day – just in the morning – and Buddha answered.
But the man could not understand the answer, so in the evening he asked again. Buddha answered again. The man was amazed, because in the morning it had been something else.
Buddha said, ”Of course. It was morning and now it is evening, the sun is setting. I am flowing with life and with my flowing my answers will be changing. I cannot give you a static dogma.”
Any authentic man of experience is never dogmatic. He cannot say that it is absolutely so because even while you are saying it, it may have changed.
One day you will become old – it is difficult to say which will be the day, but certainly it must be one of the seven days. A few people become old on Monday, a few people choose Sunday... but everybody at some point of time becomes old.
But remember, you cannot simply jump from youth to old age. It is not possible that on Sunday you are young, and early in the morning on Monday you find you have become old. You are becoming old every moment; every moment the flow of life is taking you towards old age, towards death, and towards beyond-death.

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