Wednesday 31 December 2014

Channelling of 17th Dimensional being-2015 False Flags

Channelling of 17th Dimensional Being "Ashwini" by MKS for False Flag Attacks in 2015 and awareness.

"This new year of yours will bring new information about the false flag attacks by your governments around the world.
This year was chosen by your collective consciousness prior to your incarnation on 3d earth.
The ending of 2014 is a dramatic one as the whole year has been a some sort of trouble dealing with the Tyrannies of the people in power.
But it has not come to an end,it will continue in 2015 and as more people awake and realize the prison universe they are living in ,the more will be the chances of destruction of this 3d reality and ascension (construction) of new one will soon begin."

"The whole process will take another 2 yrs till 2017 of Final Awakening and it will mature around 2017,So whether you believe it or not there will be an ending to this spiritual war in around 2017."

"In 2015 ,there will be massive false flags of wars and terrorism ,primarily in Europe,Africa and South America ,You have to realize and understand that it will be a some sort of trigger to another slavery system which will bind you to this reality."

"As you might have experienced that false flag attacks were unexpectedly high in 2014 december as the malevolent forces want to establish the system of slavery forever as soon as possible."

"The False flag attacks and slavery systems will speed up and will be aggressive in 2015 ,keep your eyes open,listen to every bit of information but KNOW that it is a false flag/slavery system designed to keep you in control."

Watch when doubt arises, don't get identified with it

Watch when doubt arises, don't get identified with it. Don't get disturbed, there is nothing to be disturbed about! Doubt is there -- you are watching it, you are not it. You are just a mirror reflecting it. And when trust arises there will be a little more difficulty in watching because you say, "Trust makes me so happy, trust makes me feel so beautiful." You will jump upon it, you would like to become identified with it. You would like to be known as one who trusts, as one who has faith. But then you will never get out of the vicious circle. Watch trust too.
And the deeper your watching becomes... you will be surprised: looking deep into doubt you will find the other side is trust -- as if the coin becomes transparent and you can see this side and you can also see the other side. Then watching trust you will be able to see doubt hiding behind it. That moment is of great realization: when seeing that doubt is trust, that trust is doubt, you become free from both. Suddenly a transcendence! You are no longer attached to either, your bondage is finished. You are no longer caught in the duality, and when you are no longer caught in duality, you are not part of the mind at all -- mind is left far behind. You are simply a pure consciousness. And to know pure consciousness is to know real beauty, real blessing, real benediction.

Belief is a projection of the tricky mind

Knowledge comes from the past, from others, from scriptures. And Buddha has said: My transmission of truth is beyond the scriptures. What I am saying, what I am imparting, what I am communing, is not written anywhere, has not been spoken anywhere -- in fact, cannot be spoken at all, cannot be written at all. It is transferred in deep silence between the master and the disciple: it is a love affair. Wisdom is contagious. It is not taught, remember; you can receive it but it cannot be given to you. You can be open and vulnerable to it, you can be in a state of constant welcoming, and that's how a disciple sits by the side of the master -- ready to drink, ready to allow the master to penetrate his very heart. In the beginning it is painful, because the master's consciousness penetrates you like a sharp arrow -- only then it can reach to your very core. It hurts.
Knowledge satisfies the ego; wisdom destroys the ego completely; hence people seek knowledge. It is very rare to find a seeker who is not interested in knowledge but is interested in, committed to, wisdom. Knowledge means theories about truth; wisdom means truth itself. Knowledge means secondhand; wisdom means firsthand. Knowledge means belief: others say and you believe. And all beliefs are false! No belief is ever true. Even if you believe in the word of a buddha, the moment you believe it is turned into a lie.
Truth cannot be believed; either you know or you don't know. If you know, there is no question of belief; if you don't know, there is again no question of belief. If you know, you know; if you don't know, you don't know. Belief is a projection of the tricky mind -- it gives you the feeling of knowing, without knowing. The Hindu, the Mohammedan, the Christian, the Jew, the Jaina, the Buddhist -- they all believe.
To believe is cheap, it is very easy -- nothing is at stake. You can easily believe in God, you can easily believe in immortality of the soul, you can easily believe in the theory of reincarnation. In fact, they remain just superficial; deep down you are not affected by them, not at all. When death will knock at your door you will know your beliefs have all disappeared. The belief in the immortality of the soul will not help you when death will knock at your door -- you will cry and weep and you will cling to life. When death comes you will forget all about God; when death comes you will not be able to remember the theory -- and the complicated implications of it -- about reincarnation. When death knocks you, it knocks down all the structure of knowledge that you had built around yourself -- it leaves you absolutely empty... and with the awareness that the whole life has been a wastage.
Wisdom is a totally different phenomenon: it is experience, not belief. It is existential experience, it is not "about." You don't believe in God -- you know. You don't believe in the immortality of the soul -- you have tasted it. You don't believe in reincarnation -- you remember it; you remember that you have been here many times. And if this has been so in the past, this is going to be so in the future. You remember you have been in many bodies: you have been a rock, you have been a tree, you have been animals, birds, you have been man, woman... you have lived in so many forms. You see the forms changing but the inner consciousness remaining the same; so you see only the superficial changes but the essential is eternal.

Tuesday 30 December 2014

How do you interpret?

A man who does not know himself should feel ashamed teaching others just because he knows scriptures. Scholarship has no meaning at all in the authentic world of religion. It is a world of experience, not of explanations. The man who teaches according to the scriptures is: ...A MORTAL, NOT A BUDDHA.

Your civilization is so superficial. It is just like your clothes; you can drop them any moment. And you all know that there are moments when you drop all your civilization, all your culture, all your religion, all your great qualities that you talk about; within a second, they disappear. Your consciousness is so small.
THE AWARENESS OF MORTALS FALLS VERY SHORT. It cannot reach to the heights of a fully awakened human being. That's why a buddha is bound to be misunderstood. Whatever he will do is so far away from you -- he is almost on a sunlit peak of the Himalayas and you are in the dark valleys. Even if what he says reaches you, it is no longer the same. You hear only resounding valleys. Something of it reaches you and you interpret according to your own mind.

One night it happened: Gautam Buddha used to say to his disciples every night, after his discourse, "Now it is time; go and do the last necessary thing. Don't forget before you go to sleep." His hint was about the last meditation before you go into sleep. But one night it happened, there was a thief in the congregation and there was a prostitute too. When Buddha said, "Now it time you go and do the last thing before you go to sleep," the prostitute thought, "My God, he knows that I am here, and that it is time for my profession. I should go, hurry up."
The thief said, "I am hiding in dark corners, because nobody knows .... This man, he may recognize that I am a thief, and he has recognized. He is saying to me, `Now go, and do the last thing, before you go to sleep. It is time.' My God, this man is really strange. I have to run now; it is late and it is time to finish my work; otherwise I won't have any sleep tonight."
Thousands of the sanyasi went to meditation. The prostitute went to her marketplace. The thief started searching for his work. Buddha said one thing, but there were different interpretations according to everybody's own mind.

Are you an individual or conformist???

Psychology is basically orthodox; it is not revolutionary, it cannot be. It serves the status quo, it serves the establishment. It keeps you within the boundaries; it does not help you to go beyond the boundaries. It is not in your service. It is controlled by those who are in power -- by the state, by the church, by the society. In a very disguised way it keeps you tethered to the collective mind. It does not help you to become an individual, because to be an individual is to be rebellious, to be an individual is to go on your own, to be an individual is to be a danger to the society. Capitalist, communist, whatsoever the society is -- Hindu, Christian, Mohammedan -- it doesn't matter; the individual is a danger because the individual tries to live out of his own light. He does not follow anybody. He is not a follower, he is not an imitator.

 Go utterly naked, without any conclusions, without any ideology, any prejudice. Otherwise there is every possibility that you will project your own idea. You will not see that which is, you will see only that which you want to see. You will be creating your own reality which is bound to be false. Reality has not to be invented, it has to be discovered. It is already there. And remember, it is not the reality which is hidden, it is your eyes which are covered with layers of dust.
A neighbor was saying, "Your cat was making an awful noise last night."
The other replied, "You are right. Ever since she ate the canary, she thinks she can sing."
You can go on eating the scriptures; you will not be able to sing at all. You can know all the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Gitas, the Korans, the Bibles, but you will remain as stupid as ever. Of course you will start bragging about your knowledgeability. You will  become an exhibitionist. Even when you don't know anything you will pretend that you know.

Monday 29 December 2014

Any authentic man of experience is never dogmatic

A man asked Gautam Buddha a question one day – just in the morning – and Buddha answered.
But the man could not understand the answer, so in the evening he asked again. Buddha answered again. The man was amazed, because in the morning it had been something else.
Buddha said, ”Of course. It was morning and now it is evening, the sun is setting. I am flowing with life and with my flowing my answers will be changing. I cannot give you a static dogma.”
Any authentic man of experience is never dogmatic. He cannot say that it is absolutely so because even while you are saying it, it may have changed.
One day you will become old – it is difficult to say which will be the day, but certainly it must be one of the seven days. A few people become old on Monday, a few people choose Sunday... but everybody at some point of time becomes old.
But remember, you cannot simply jump from youth to old age. It is not possible that on Sunday you are young, and early in the morning on Monday you find you have become old. You are becoming old every moment; every moment the flow of life is taking you towards old age, towards death, and towards beyond-death.

Don’t run after being,Just be here..

Don’t run after being, because you are already there, where any Buddha has reached. It was his choice to go on a long route of six years and then to come home, tired. And because he was tired he relaxed. He could have relaxed without doing all that he had been doing. The day he relaxed, he became enlightened.
It is only a question of recognition, not responsibility. Even this moment there is no one here who is not a buddha, no one here who is not a lotus flower. Yes, a few are asleep, a few are in the seed, a few are floating in the water, but it does not make any difference. Don’t make it hardship; let it remain as light as possible.

Your contribution to the religious growth of humanity is that you don’t have to do anything, you have just to be at your center – utterly relaxed, no desire, no longing, nowhere to go. Just being here –and the explosion, and the lotus flower.

Great Death and Great Birth

The death we know is always somebody else. Once we know our own death, pass through it, a
tremendous realization arises that death is the greatest fiction.

This realization is called ”the great death.” Everybody dies, but the small death; only very blessed
ones have died the great death. It simply means they die with total awareness, seeing body and
mind separating from their consciousness.
 But the consciousness, the flame of their being is eternal.
It goes on moving into new forms and ultimately it moves into the formless.
This small anecdote is about the great death.
Zen is always special in its expression. I call it the great death because it is not death. The great death in reality is the great life.
Only the small death is death.
The difference is of consciousness and unconsciousness. You die unconsciously – this is the small
death; you will have a small rebirth. Neither will you know your death nor will you know your birth. If you die meditatively, alert, aware, it is the great death – and great death is followed by great birth.

Sunday 28 December 2014

What is God? Part-II

The Charvakas, the original source of atheism in the East, said, ”Don’t worry, enjoy eating butter even if you have to borrow money.” Don’t be worried about paying it back. Who borrows? Who pays back? One dies and everything is left behind – yours as well as his. And nothing remains afterwards.
When nothing remains what is the fear. If you want to sin, sin. If you want to do evil, do it. Live freely the way you want to. It is a life of just two days, drop all worries and live it in style. Even if the other is hurt, even if violence is inflicted upon the other, don’t worry about it. What violence, what hurt? It
is all a facade created by the priests to frighten you.
But if we enter into a Charvaka’s mind the same fear is there. He is denying god out of fear.
God is not just unknown. Here lies the difference between religion and science. Religion says, there are three types of things in the universe: the known – which has already been known; the unknown – which will be known; and the unknowable – which is not known and will never be known.
Science says there are only two categories in the universe: the known and the unknown. Science divides the universe into these two categories – that which is known and that which will be known. The unknowable: in this one word the whole essence of religion is hidden. There is something which has never been known and never will be known, because its mystery is such that one who seeks it disappears into it.

Saturday 27 December 2014

Love, but be very careful; you are moving on sacred ground.

Love, but be very careful; you are moving on sacred ground. You are going into the highest, the purest and holiest temple. Be alert! 

Drop all impurities outside the temple. 

When you love a person,love the person as if the person is a god, not less than that. 
Never love a woman as a woman and never love a man as a man, because if you love a man as a man your love is going to be very, very ordinary. 
Your love is not going to be more than lust. If you love a woman as a woman, your love is not going to soar very high. 
Love a woman as a goddess, then love becomes worship.

Acquiring knowledge & not knowing your inner light is being ignorant and becoming carbon copy.

It is one of the most strange coincidences that Gautam Buddha and Mahavira both revolted against the knowledgeable, the learned, the scholarly, the brahmins, the pundits, for a single reason -- that by being knowledgeable, you simply cover up your ignorance. It is not dispelled out of your being.
It is just like on a dark night when you don't have even a lamp in your house. You may have as much information about light as you like, but your information about light is not going to bring light into the house. The house will remain dark. But one thing is possible: your information may create a delusion for you. You may become so engaged in the information about light that you forget about darkness. But darkness is there; whether you forget it or not makes no difference.
In fact it is better to know that the darkness is there, and something has to be done to create light, to destroy darkness. Knowing about light is of no help; real light is needed. The strange coincidence is that both Gautam Buddha and Mahavira were surrounded by brahmin scholars. And all that they have said has been compiled by the same people against whom they were speaking their whole lives.
Mahavira had eleven intimate disciples -- they were all brahmin scholars of great integrity, of great learning, of great knowledge, but their ignorance was just the same as anybody else's. Ignorance can decorate itself with knowledge, but that only hides it; it does not destroy it. One has to discover one's own light, one's own being, one's own self-nature. The moment one discovers one's inner being, all darkness starts disappearing, because at the very center of your being is nothing but pure light. But it has to be discovered.
The people who are interested in knowledge, or interested in scriptures, or interested in learning from other wise men, are not doing anything to reach to their own light, to the very source of enlightenment.
The same happened with Gautam Buddha. His closest disciples were brahmins and hence a great misunderstanding has arisen in their reportings. What they have reported about Gautam Buddha is mixed, polluted, corrupted by their own knowledgeability, by their own learning. Their minds have come in and interfered with the message that was given in silence -- a message that was transmitted heart to heart, being to being, but not from mind to mind.

Friday 26 December 2014

There are only two types of people in the world:Alexander the Great type & the Buddha type.

Once Buddha was being insulted very much by a few people. They were shouting at him, saying all kinds of dirty words to him, and he was standing there listening to them as totally as possible.
After a few minutes they felt frustrated, because he was not saying anything, and one of them asked, "Are you deaf or something? Why don't you answer?"
Buddha said, "I am answering, but my answer is a response, not a reaction."
Naturally they asked, "What is the difference between reaction and response?"
And Buddha said, "Sit down and I will explain it to you."
And the enemies turned into disciples! They were listening to Buddha, sitting silently; listening to what he was saying. They were converted. Buddha said, "If you had come ten years ago, when I was asleep just as you are, I would have reacted. You would have pushed my buttons."
When you push the button and the fan goes on it is not a response; it is a reaction, it is mechanical. When you push the button and the lights go on or off, it is a reaction not a response. The light, the fan, or any other mechanism, has no freedom to choose; it simply reacts. Response means choice, response means "chosen with consciousness."
Buddha said, "Ten years ago if you had said these words to me I would have cut off your heads -- I used to carry a sword with me. But now I am awake. I listened to your words and I felt deep compassion for you -- that you were torturing yourselves unnecessarily. You cannot force me to do something -- I am not a machine, now I am a man. You cannot force me to do anything; I act out of my own choice. Hence it is not reaction, it is action, and action is a response. I see the whole situation, then out of my consciousness I act. At this moment I am feeling so compassionate for you, so sorry for you, that I cannot speak the same language that you are speaking to me."
The man who is asleep reacts; he knows nothing of action. And reaction is a binding: it binds you into new prisons, new chains. Response is out of freedom, hence it brings more freedom. Reaction is out of the past; you act according to your memories, built-in by your experiences, conditionings. You react not to the present, not in the present. You don't reflect the real situation as it is; you go on interpreting it according to your past, your past experiences.
The man who is awake is like a mirror: he reflects that which is the case. HE IS AWAKE.
And Buddha says: It is only by awakening that one becomes victorious; not by conquering the world but by conquering one's unconsciousness.
There are only two types of people in the world: the Alexander the Great type and the Buddha type. There are millions... in fact ninety-nine point nine percent of people belong to the Alexander type -- small Alexanders and big Alexanders, but Alexanders all. Everybody is trying to conquer the world in his own way, big or small, through money, power, prestige. And everybody is carrying a deep desire, a great longing to succeed one day in becoming the most famous man in the world, the most powerful man in the world. This is the Alexander type, the extrovert, the worldly; he accumulates money, possessions, but he loses his soul.
And there are very rare, very few people in the world who belong to the Buddha type, who are no longer interested in the world, whose whole interest is in self-actualization, in self-realization, in becoming more aware of the reality that they are.
These are not fixed types, they are liquid. Anyone who belongs to the Alexander category can move to the category of being a buddha. And all the buddhas, in their past, had belonged to the Alexander category, and all those who are Alexanders now can become buddhas one day. It all depends on you; a conscious, deliberate choice is needed: that you turn your energies from extroversion into introversion, that you become more interested in the inner reality, that you become more interested in your subjectivity rather than in objects. You start moving, diving deeply into your interiority to find the center of your being.
And the magic is, the moment you find the center of your being you have found the center of the whole existence -- because there is only one center; my center and your center are not two centers. Anybody who moves inwards comes to the same center. On the periphery we are different people; at the center we are one.
HE IS AWAKE. THE VICTORY IS HIS. And Buddha says: The real conqueror is not the one who has conquered the world but the one who has conquered himself. He has conquered the world too, not in a visible way but in a very very invisible way. He becomes the master.

The Truth is you cannot argue for truth.

Be very conscious of what you are saying, to whom you are saying it, for a few reasons.
The first: the truth that you have found cannot be said; language is inadequate. 
You can only indicate, you can only make a few gestures -- fingers pointing to the moon. 
You cannot argue for it. You can persuade, but you cannot convince anybody. It is not their experience, so don't be angry if they don't listen to you. If they go against you, don't feel that they are ungrateful. They are simply behaving the way they can behave. 
You have to be very very patient with them. You have to accept all kinds of abuse that they will throw on you. You have to accept their stones as flowers. Even if they kill you, you have to die loving them.
That's how Jesus died: with a prayer on his lips to God, "Forgive them, for they know not what they are doing."

Secondly: to say the truth is to falsify it -- so try to say it indirectly; never make direct statements about it. 
Don't say "God is" or "God is not." These direct statements have created much confusion in the world; rather than helping people they have created conflict, wars, murders. 
Don't make any direct statement about God or truth or nirvana. 
You have to be very very subtle. 
You have to live in such a way that people become aware that you have attained something which is missing in their lives, that there is something more in life which is not available to them. 
That's all that you can do.

Labelling on religion/nationality is insanity

Bodhisattva means one who is not only a mystic but also a master, who has not only known himself, but tries to make it known to others.
Of course, the work of the bodhisattva is far more difficult; the arhata is in a better position.
The bodhisattva has to struggle with all kinds of insanities -- insane people, split people, schizophrenic people, neurotics, psychotics.
Humanity is full of these people. 
The bodhisattva has to go into the crowd, into the mud where you are, because that is the only way to help you out.
Unless he comes amongst you, unless he lives with you, unless he relates with you, communicates with you, in a thousand and one ways seduces you, creates the longing for truth in you, he cannot help you. And these are not easy things.
People are not concerned about truth at all.
They are concerned about money, they are concerned about power, about prestige. 
They are not interested in being liberated, they don't want to be sane. 
They protect their insanity in every possible way because they have invested so much in their insanity. It is THEIR insanity and they are very proud of it.

Are you not proud of being a Christian, of being a Hindu, of being a Mohammedan? Are you not proud of being a German or British or an Indian? 
You are proud of all these insanities. 
These divisions have been destructive. 
These divisions have proved curses to humanity. 
They have been calamities, but you are very proud. 
Everybody seems to be proud.

An Englishman was talking to an Italian. And the Englishman asked the Italian, "If you had been given a choice before you were born, what nationality would you have chosen?"
He said, "Of course I would have been British!"
And the Englishman asked, "How would you have felt?"
He said, "I would have felt very proud!"
These were the days of the second world war and the Italians and the Germans were being defeated. They were losing their prestige and their power, they were condemned all over the world.
The Italian asked the Englishman, "If you had not been born British, how would you have felt?"
And the Englishman said, "I would have felt ashamed."
That's why the British seem to be the most neurotic of all -- very much obsessed with being British, as if it is something very great.
The same is the case with the Indians; they also suffer from the same chronic disease. They feel very proud of being Indian. They don't think that anybody else in the world is really human; all are a little below. But that's how everybody thinks deep down.

When the first Westerners reached China, they wrote in their diaries that they could not believe the Chinese were human. 
Encountering such a different race for the first time it must have been difficult for them to accept them as human. And what about the Chinese? Their records say that looking at the Western people they were very much puzzled -- they had never thought that monkeys could talk like human beings!
Everybody tries to protect his insanity; hence it is difficult work.

Thursday 25 December 2014

Those who really want to know the full meaning of life should have an experience of death.

Those who really want to know the full meaning of life should have an experience of death at least
Without having seen what death is like, they can never really know what life is worth.
 That’s the only way to realize that they have something of immense value – the elixir of life – which they can know only by passing through the experience of death. One who cannot go through this experience remains sadly deprived, because if he could see once on his own what death is like, the fear of death would no longer exist for him; then there is no death at all.

Simply using your total willpower you can draw your consciousness inside from all parts of your
You close your eyes and feel that the consciousness is shrinking inward.
You feel the energy moving away from your hands and feet towards the inside. 
You see the energy moving down from your head. 
The energy begins to converge upon the center from where it originated – the rays begin
to withdraw from all points.

Actually, the various religious practices in the world are not religious practices really.
 They are, in 
fact, preparatory to building one’s resolve. For example, a man fasts for three days – this is simply a 
discipline for strengthening one’s willpower.
 Fasting in itself is of little advantage; the real gain lies in 
the fact that he completed his vow, that he maintained his resolve. Another man declares solemnly 
that he would stand in one place for twelve hours. Now his standing for twelve hours is of no use; 
the actual benefit comes from his making that resolve and the completion of it.



And everybody is deceiving:
 a few are deceiving by earning money and thinking that when they are super-rich they will have reached to the realization of their potential;
 a few are deceiving by accumulating knowledge; 
a few are deceiving by becoming powerful, respectable;
 a few are even deceiving by becoming saints, ascetics. 
But whatever you do, unless it leads to awareness of your nature, it is a deceiving.

That which death cannot take is the only criterion for reality.

I have heard about a man who had gone fishing.The whole day he tried and could not get a single fish. 
Now he was worried about his wife so he went to the fish market and purchased three beautiful big fish, but on a condition.
The fisherman who was selling those fish could not understand the condition which was very strange, and it was the first time he had come across such a thing. 
The man was ready to pay the price, whatsoever the fisherman was asking, but the condition was that he had to throw the fish and the man would catch them.

The fisherman said, "There is no problem. I will throw, you catch, but I don't understand ...what is the point of it?"
The man said, "You don't understand but I don't like to lie. When I go home, my wife will ask how many fish I have got. I will show the three fish I have caught with my own hands. I want to be exactly true."
Such a man can deceive his wife, but can he deceive himself? And is this really true or just a falseness covered with the name of truth? 
And that is the situation of all your so-called learned people.
They have caught fish, not from the lake but from a fisherman and his shop in the market, and they have certainly caught them. 
But they themselves know that they have not caught, they have purchased -- and truth cannot be purchased.
You have to catch hold of your inner light with your own awareness. Other than that there is no way.

Knowledge makes you a carbon copy, and to be a carbon copy is the ugliest thing in the world.

Knowledge is not knowledge. It has the appearance of knowledge, hence it deceives many. 

                                                       Knowledge is only information.

It does not transform you; you remain the same. 
Your accumulation of information goes on growing. Rather than liberating you, it burdens you, it goes on creating new bondages for you.
The so-called man of knowledge is far more foolish than the so-called fool, because the fool at least is innocent. 
He is ignorant, but he has no pretensions of knowing -- that much truth is his.
 But the man of knowledge is in a far greater mess: he knows nothing but he thinks he knows. Without knowing, to believe that one knows is to remain forever rooted in ignorance.

Knowledge is a way for ignorance to protect itself -- and it protects itself very cunningly, very efficiently, very cleverly. Knowledge is the enemy although it appears as the friend.

This is the first step towards wisdom: to know that you don't know, to know that all knowledge is borrowed, to know that it has not happened to you, it has come from others, that it is not your own insight, your own realization.
 The moment knowledge is your own realization, it is wisdom.
Wisdom means that you are not a parrot, that you are a man, that you are not repeating others but expressing yourself, that you are not a carbon copy, that you have an original face of your own.

Knowledge makes you a carbon copy, and to be a carbon copy is the ugliest thing in the world. 
That is the greatest calamity that can happen to a man -- because knowing not and yet believing that you know, you will remain always ignorant and in darkness.
 And whatsoever you do is going to be wrong. 
You may be able to convince even others that you know, you may be able to strengthen your ego, you may become very famous, you may be known as a great scholar, a pundit, but deep down there is nothing but darkness.
 Deep down you have not yet encountered yourself, you have not yet entered in the temple of your being.
The ignorant is in a far better situation. 
At least he has no pretensions, at least he is not deceiving others and himself. 
And ignorance has a beauty -- the beauty of simplicity, the beauty of uncomplicatedness. 
To know that "I don't know" immediately brings a great relief.
 To know, to experience, one's utter ignorance fills one with great wonder -- the existence is transformed into a mystery.
And that's what God is all about.
 To know the universe as a miracle, as a mystery, as something unbelievable, as something impenetrable -- as something before which you can only bow down in deep gratitude, you can only surrender in awe -- is the beginning of wisdom.
Socrates is right when he says: I know only one thing -- that I don't know at all.

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Zodiac Future predictions for 2015

Greetings to all my fellow gods and goddess.

I am giving below the future predictions for the coming year 2015 for each zodiac sign.

It will be given in the format of
1. how you will enter the new year , opportunities and
3. how will you end 2015.

So read on..


It should be a great year for Aries,because they will be given a very wonderful opportunity in the form of money,partner,knowledge etc from the universe ,but there is a choice they have to make which will determine how rest of the year goes,the great opportunity will present itself in the first three months of 2015 .
Use all your knowledge to determine whether the path you are going to take is really what you desire because if not then i see a lot of tears of regret.
If i were you,i wouldn't hesitate to take all that universe is giving to me.


You may not have a very good start for 2015 but the ending of 2015 will be like a Fairytale for you.
The first three months will give you ample trouble to make you strong enough for the next set of problems,which ( i am pleased to say) will not remain for long, given your strong attitude to finish once and for all the problems.
You will consistently keep moving up the ladder of life by tackling all the problems and problematic people.
At the end of the year 2015 you will have moved to a quite higher position than you are at right now.


2014 is bothering you?? don't worry ...2015 will be a better year for you but you are not going to sweep the old problems under the carpet,you will make sure that those awkward situations never happen again in your life.
In mid year,the universe will give you everything that you will ever need/desire/lust for feel lucky..but be on guard because such prosperity will also attract negative and malevolent people into your life.Beware and Be Aware of them!!


You have worked very hard in 2014 and 2015 wont be any different but it promises one change,which will change your life completely.
Though you work very hard ,you don't stand up for yourself, which is actually treating yourself like a doormat. 
If you don't treat yourself nicely then do not expect anyone in the universe to treat you nicely.
But then this is what 2015 is all about....for you!!

The year will end with you becoming your own boss!


Sorry to say Leo but this year is just another slog for you.
You have just finished learning one very important lesson and you will keep on learning throughout 2015.
keep in mind that the knowledge acquired by the scientists in ancient times was not just hocus-pocus,use it wisely and to your benefit.

A secret will be revealed to you about a woman who has an important standing in your life(in the first 5 months).
Go slow over your projects and keep it to yourself ,take calculated risks and take one step at a time.
The last quarter will give you all the fruits to your past effort and you will end the year on a good note.More likely that you will change or buy a new house!!

Love giving you worries in 2014?? relax, it will come to a fruitful conclusion in 2015 but not without some compromises.Also whatever issues were pending in 2014 will be completed in first six months of 2015.
Love arrangements will blossom this year and it will lead you to finding of new ways to make your family happy ,not necessarily with money but more like spending time with them and doing silly things!! overall a dreamy year for you!!!

Oh boy! someone's getting a lot of money in 2015.
Debts will be paid off and you will get your dream job/business.
Money will be so much that you might even turn philanthropist.
Emotional settlement will also be dealt with near and dear ones in 2015.
Your skills will be skyrocketing this year just like your bank account,for the same reasons you will be busy throughout the year but wont be complaining.
All and all a very good year for utilization of your skills.

Self confidence,stability and strength is what you need in the initial half of 2015.patience is virtue ,be vigilant,This will too pass!!
A new potential will come up in second half of 2015 .An opportunity which,once given,must not be ignored!The call to fresh efforts.A new project and a decision that will affect the rest of your life.
Though watch out for dishonest people,they are in plenty around you.

Watch out for your finances,it can go awry.
There will be many people along with you in your good and hard times.Application of knowledge and a loving heart will get you out of most difficult situations in 2015.
A new love affair will start that will change your world forever.

You are getting bored with your life,relationship,aren't you?There needs to be a new start to renew the spark in an old relationship.
New interests,activities and friends are required.
But folly,look before you leap not everything is as it seems.
There will be change in your life in 2015 (quantum leap),the old pattern will break away and will way to new form of life.

An important decision has to be made,however there are many options to chose from.Make you decision carefully,since all is not as it seems and you may lose everything.
You will rise up from your troubles and will stand firm to every form of problem/life situation,maintain your position,you will eventually prosper.


a church is smaller than a loving heart

An open heart, a loving heart, 
a deep trust in oneself and nothing else is needed. 
You don’t have to
surrender to some master, you don’t have to worship some God, you don’t have to do some prayer
to some hypothetical deity. 
You don’t have to go to man-made temples and churches to find that
which is hidden within you.

Mirror is empty

Have you ever thought that the mirror is empty, utterly empty?
 It is because of its emptiness that it is
possible for it to reflect anything that comes in front of it. 
The moment the thing has gone out of the
area of the mirror, the mirror is again empty;
 in fact, even when it was reflecting there was no doing
on its part. It is just the nature of the mirror to reflect. 
It was simply functioning in its nature.

Monday 22 December 2014

In Japan they say: Think by the belly

In Japan they say: Think by the belly. Even thinking can be done by the belly – then a man becomes
perfectly relaxed. For centuries in Japan they had been thinking that the real thinking process was
in the belly, not in the head – and they are right. There is a different quality of thinking which goes
on in the belly... it is intuitive; what you call a hunch.
Women think more from the belly than men. Man goes on groping in the dark with logic. Women
simply jump to conclusions without any process in between. That’s the problem – man cannot
understand how women come to their conclusions. And almost always they are right – illogical, but
right. They live on hunches. And of course they have a more empty belly than man. They have a
womb inside, and they have more space inside.

Rebellion Of Mind

The mind’s death is your life, and the mind’s life is your death. So the mind protects itself. It has its
own vested interests; it has many investments. 
Of course, up to now it has been living in the world
and it has done much business, so it is an established thing. Now you are trying to rebel against it.
All meditations are a rebellion against the mind.

As no established order will allow rebellion easily, neither will the mind. It is just as if in a society
there is some trouble and somebody tries to go against the rules and the game. The police and
the judge, and the law and the courts, and imprisonment, are all there to prevent it. The status quo
becomes afraid... this cannot be allowed.
The mind is the establishment, the status quo. And once you start thinking in terms of meditation,
you are becoming rebellious. So the mind will create all sorts of trouble – it is natural .

Be here,Now -In the moment!

Whenever you can be herenow, be.
 If the mind moves and you forget, that too is natural. 
Don’t worry about it – otherwise first you move into the future, and then you start thinking about the past.
So both ways you are killing the present, mm? First you are not in the present, so the present is lost.
Then you start thinking that you have lost the present and that you have missed much and that that
time is wasted – so now you are thinking about the past. Again you are missing another present.

Night & Day ,Love & Hate

There is no problem anywhere with the night or with the day. 
Existence is as happy in the day as in the night. In fact the whole night, existence prepares for the day... rests in. the womb of darkness...gets ready again. The whole day vibrates with a thousand and one things, gets excited, moves to the climax, then gets tired, exhausted, spent, and moves into the night again.

Hate is also a love relationship. 
Behind each hate, love is hiding, and behind each love, hate is
hiding. In fact love and hate are not two things.
 They are not love and hate... the whole energy is
 That’s why any love relationship can change into a hate relationship very easily – in a
single moment. Just a single moment before you were in love, and now you hate.
 And vice versa is 
also possible.

Saturday 20 December 2014

Be a Mind beyond judgement



Love deeply

Love, but be very careful; you are moving on sacred ground. You are going into the highest, the purest and holiest temple. Be alert! 

Drop all impurities outside the temple. When you love a person,
love the person as if the person is a god, not less than that. Never love a woman as a woman and never love a man as a man, because if you love a man as a man your love is going to be very, very ordinary. Your love is not going to be more than lust. If you love a woman as a woman, your love is not going to soar very high. Love a woman as a goddess, then love becomes worship.

Thursday 18 December 2014

Your Life-Observe & Experience

Sometimes, sitting on a silent night, looking at the stars – and something was going to happen and you shrank; apprehensive, frightened, you started doing something else. It was too good to be true. You missed an opportunity. Sometimes, in deep love, just sitting by the side of your beloved,something started happening; you were moving in some unknown direction. You became scared,
you pulled yourself back to earth.
Sometimes, for no reason at all, just swimming in the river, or running around in the hot sun, or just relaxing on the beach and listening to the wild roar of the ocean, something started happening inside you, some inner alchemical change, as if your body was creating LSD. Something inside...and you were moving in a totally unknown dimension – as if you had wings and you could fly. You became afraid, you started clinging to the earth.

It looks a little absurd and paradoxical. When there is no need to make love, then he is allowed to make love. When the woman has become a goddess, then he is allowed to make love – because
now love can soar high, love can become a climax, a crescendo. Now it will not be of the earth, it will not be of this world; it will not be of two bodies, it will be of two beings. It will be a meeting of two existences. Two souls will meet, merge and mingle, and both will come out of it tremendously alone in the good sense.

Remain a master

Start being the master of your own self. Give rest to the body, but don’t become a slave. 
Listen to the body’s needs, but remain capable, remain in control, remain a master. Otherwise the body has a lethargy in it, and the mind has a repetitive, mechanical quality in it. Then it can become just an everyday habit. You come to listen to me, you sit, and the body and mind start moving towards sleep. Break it! Come out of it.