Sunday 22 March 2015

Law Of Gratitude.

We know that everything we put attention and emotional energy on, good or bad, will eventually show up in our lives. The universe, and our subconscious mind, don’t know good from bad, and they treat fear and enthusiasm exactly the
same. If we’re putting energy on it, we’re placing an order for it.
It’s important, then, to be putting positive energy on what we want, not negative energy (fear, worry) on what we don’t want.
Gratitude is so important because it is a very high energy positive vibration of thought. It is powerfully attractive! Wattles says it connects us with the Source.
Do you see what he is saying? If we are grateful about everything, we are focusing on what we want. It’s a way of making sure we are putting the highest possible positive energy on our desires, and withholding energy from the doubts and fears that we don’t want.
This is the reason that almost everyone who teaches about goals insists that you see your goal as already accomplished, and that you be grateful for it – now! It’s a powerful way to be sure you’re putting strong energy on the goal – using gratitude.
You’d think with gratitude so important that everyone would be conscious of it. But what I’ve noticed is that many people are actually pushing away the success they want without knowing it because they are violating this law!
This belief leads to competitive thinking – the idea that in order to get what you want, you have to take it away from someone else.
This is a belief system that encourages fear and worry. Most sales training is based on this idea. So are all wars.
How easy is it for anyone to be grateful when they think that the universe is designed to make things tough for them? Especially when their thinking keeps creating situations where they get to be right about how tough it is.
Let me show you how abundant the universe really is. Both science and spirituality tell us that everything is made out of the same original stuff. Science calls it energy. So how much is there to make more of whatever we need?
A recent scientific survey of the cosmos added up everything they could find and determined that only about 4% of the available energy was used to make the entire universe! There’s 96% left over, or enough for 25 more universes! That seems pretty abundant to me.
So let’s choose a different way of thinking. We can see an abundant supply, rather than scarcity. We can choose to create our success, rather than compete for a limited supply. When we do this, we cease to be a victim of circumstances and we begin to reclaim our power over our lives! Seeing the universe this way is the first step in the law of gratitude.

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